Auto Assignment

This endpoint allows a client to create auto assignment in Crawford System. A client sending data for assignment creation is validated against their APIKEY

Protocol Endpoint
POST api/assignment/auto
Parameter Data Type Parameter Description
RefClaim Complex Object Body Complex object contains object to represent a claim/assignment.
WorkLocation Complex Object Body Complex object contains object to represent work location of claim.
Attachment Complex Object Body Complex object contains object to represent attachments of claim.
AssignmentInstructions Complex Object Body Complex object contains object to represent assignment instructions of claim. User should use this field to pass special instruction for the claim.
CustomField Complex Object Body Any other data other than above properties can be sent/passed to api using this properties. This property is eventually an array of Key and Value pair.
Parameter Data Type Description
Client Complex Object Field to represent client of claim/assignment. This is an optional field.
LossInformation Complex Object Field to represent loss information of claim/assignment. This is a required field.
Insured Complex Object Field to represent insured of claim/assignment. This is a required field.
PolicyInfo Complex Object Field to represent policy information of claim/assignment. This is a required field.
Claimant Complex Object Field to represent claimant information of claim/assignment. This is a required field.
RefClaim 1.1 : Client
Parameter Data Type Description
FirstName String Field to represent first name of client. This is a required field and combination/concatenation of FirstName, MiddleName, LastName and Suffix should not be more than 25.
LastName String Field to represent last name of client. This is a required field and combination/concatenation of FirstName, MiddleName, LastName and Suffix should not be more than 25.
MiddleName String Field to represent middle name of client. This is a required field and combination/concatenation of FirstName, MiddleName, LastName and Suffix should not be more than 25.
Suffix String Field to represent suffix of client. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of FirstName, MiddleName, LastName and Suffix should not be more than 25.
Location Complex Object Field to represent location/address of client.
Contact Complex Object Field to represent contact details of client.
RefClaim 1.1.1 : Client : Location
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent address. This is a optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent city. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Province String Field to represent province. This is a required field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3. For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent postalCode. This is a required field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent country. This is required field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim 1.1.2 : Client : Contact
Parameter Parameter Description
Email Array of object Array of object representing client email. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing client phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim : Client : Contact : Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent email address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Client : Contact : Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is a optional field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Extension String Field to represent phone extension. This is a optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
RefClaim 1.2 : LossInformation
Parameter Data Type Description
IntialReport String Field to represent loss description. This is an required field.
LossDate String Field to represent date and time of loss. This is an required field and should not be a future date.Expected date-time format is UTC.
CatLossCode String Field to represent a serial number assigned by PCS once it determines an event is a catastrophe. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 9.
Location Complex Object Field to represent loss location. This is a required field.
Contact Complex Object Field to represent contact of loss location. This is an optional field
RefClaim 1.2:1 : LossInformation:Location
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent address. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent city. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 30.
Province String Field to represent province. This is a required field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3. For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent postal-code. This is a required field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent Country. This is required field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim 1.2:2 : LossInformation:Contact
Parameter Parameter Description
FirstName String Field to represent first name of loss location contact. This is an optional field.
LastName String Field to represent last name of loss location contact. This is an optional field.
MiddleName String Field to represent middle name of loss location contact. This is an optional field.
Suffix String Field to represent suffix of loss location contact. This is an optional field.
Email Array of object Array of object representing email of loss location contact. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing phone of loss location contact. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim 1.2:2:1 : LossInformation:Contact:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent Address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim 1.2:2:2 : LossInformation:Contact:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is a required field and should be one of the values from phone-types
Number String Field to represent Phone Number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Extension String Field to represent Extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
RefClaim 1.3 : PolicyInfo
Parameter Data Type Description
PolicyNumber String Field to represent insured's policy number. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100.
EffectiveDate String Field to represent insured's policy effective date. This is an optional field. Expected date-time format is UTC.
ExpirationDate String Field to represent insured's policy expiration date. This is an optional field. Expected date-time format is UTC.
FlatDeductible Decimal Field to represent insured's money deductible.
LossOfUseAmount Decimal Field to represent insured's loss of use policy limit.
LoanNumber String Field to represent insured's mortgage loan number. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Mortgagee String Field to represent name of insured's mortgagee. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
AdditinalPolicyInfo String Field to represent information not captured in any other policy fields. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 2000.
Coverage Complex Object Field to represent policy coverage. This is required field.
Form Complex Object Field to represent policy form. This is an optional field.
RefClaim 1.3.1 : PolicyInfo:Coverage (Array of object with below properties)
Parameter Data Type Description
Name String Field to represent name of policy coverage. This is a required field with maximum allowed alphanumeric characters 50.
Limits Decimal Field to represent policy limit for the coverage. This is a required field and should be numeric.
Deductible String Field to represent deductible . This is an optional field with maximum allowed alphanumeric characters 2000.
RefClaim 1.3.2 : PolicyInfo:Form (Array of object with below properties)
Parameter Data Type Description
FormNumber String Field to represent form number. This is an optional field with maximum allowed alphanumeric characters 10.
FormName String Field to represent form name. This is an optional field with maximum allowed alphanumeric characters 2000.
EditionDate String Field to represent edition date. This is an optional field.
RefClaim 1.4 : Insured
Parameter Data Type Description
IsInsuredACompany Boolean Field to identify whether the insured is company or individual. This is a required field.
ClaimNumber String Field to represent insured's claim number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Company Complex Object Field to represent insured's company. This is required if 'IsInsuredACompany' property is set to true else field would be optional.
Individual Complex Object Field to represent insured. This is required if 'IsInsuredACompany' property is set to false else field would be optional.
Driver Complex Object Field to represent driver. This is required field.
RefClaim 1.4.1 : Insured:Company
Parameter Data Type Description
Name String Field to represent name of the insured company. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 150.
TaxId String Field to represent tax identification number of the insured company. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 10.
Damages String Field to represent description of insured's injury and/or damage. This is an optional field.
Address Complex Object Field to represent address.
Contact Complex Object Field to represent contact.
RefClaim : Insured:Company:Address
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent address. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent city. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 30.
Province String Field to represent province. This is a required field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent postalCode. This is a required field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent country. This is a required field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim : Insured:Company:Contact
Parameter Parameter Description
FirstName String Field to represent first name. This is an optional field.
LastName String Field to represent last name. This is an optional field.
MiddleName String Field to represent middle name. This is an optional field.
Suffix String Field to represent suffix. This is an optional field.
Email Array of object Array of object representing email.This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim : Insured:Company:Contact:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent email address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Insured:Company:Contact:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-types. This is a required field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Extension String Field to represent Extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
RefClaim 1.4.2 : Insured:Individual
Parameter Parameter Description
FirstName String Field to represent first name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of 'FirstName' and 'MiddleName' should not be more than 50.
LastName String Field to represent last name. This is required field and should not be more than 150.
MiddleName String Field to represent middle name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of 'FirstName' and 'MiddleName' should not be more than 50.
Suffix String Field to represent suffix. This is an optional field.
Damages String Field to represent damages. This is an optional field.
Address Complex object Complex object representing individual address. This is a required field.
Email Array of object Array of object representing individual email. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing individual Phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim : Insured:Individual:Address
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent address. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent city. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Province String Field to represent province. This is a required field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent postal-code. This is a required field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent country. This is required field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim : Insured:Individual:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent email address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Insured:Individual:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is a required field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Extension String Field to represent phone extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
RefClaim 1.4.3 : Insured:Driver
Parameter Data Type Description
Individual Complex Object Field to represent driver. This is an optional field..
Vehicle Complex Object Field to represent driver's vehicle. This is a required field.
LicenseProvince String Field to represent state that issue the driver's license. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3. For e.g. GA
LicenseNumber String Field to represent driver's license number. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 20.
RefClaim : Insured:Driver:Individual
Parameter Data Type Description
FirstName String Field to represent insured driver first name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of FirstName and MiddleName should not be more than 50.
MiddleName String Field to represent insured driver middle name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of FirstName and MiddleName should not be more than 50.
LastName String Field to represent Insured driver last name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of LastName and Suffix should not be more than 50.
Suffix String Field to represent insured driver name suffix for example Jr., Sr., III, etc. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of LastName and Suffix should not be more than 50.
DateOfBirth String Field to represent insured driver date of birth. This is an optional field.
Address Complex Object Field to represent address.
Email Array of object Array of object representing driver's email. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing driver's phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim : Insured:Driver:Individual:Address
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent insured driver address1. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent insured driver address2. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent insured driver city. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Province String Field to represent insured driver province. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent insured driver postal-code. This is an optional field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent insured driver country. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim : Insured:Driver:Individual:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100.
Extension String Field to represent phone extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100.
RefClaim : Insured:Driver:Individual:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent insured driver email. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Insured:Driver:Vehicle
Parameter Data Type Description
VIN String Field to represent vehicle identification number. This is an optional field and should not be more than 17.
VehicleDescription String Field to represent additional details about the vehicle. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
VehicleDamage String Field to represent damage to the vehicle. This is an optional field and should not be more than 255.
Drivable Boolean Field to represent whether the vehicle is drivable or not.
LicencePlate String Field to represent vehicle license plate #. This is an optional field and should not be more than 20.
VehicleType Integer Field to represent type of vehicle. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from vehicle-types..
VehicleMake String Field to represent vehicle make. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
VehicleYear String Field to represent vehicle year. This is a required field and should not be more than 4.
VehicleModel String Field to represent vehicle model. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
LicensePlateState String Field to represent vehicle licence plate state. This is an optional field and should not be more than 3.
RefClaim 1.5 : Claimant
Parameter Data Type Description
IsClaimantACompany Boolean Field to identify whether the Claimant is company or individual. This is an required field.
Company Array of Object Field to represent claimant's company. This is required if 'IsClaimantACompany' property is set to true else field would be optional.
Individual Array of Object Field to represent Claimant. This is required if 'IsClaimantACompany' property is set to false else field would be optional.
RefClaim 1.5.1 : Claimant:Company (Array of object with below properties)
Parameter Data Type Description
Name String Field to represent name of the Claimant company. This is an required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 150.
TaxId String Field to represent tax identification number of the Claimant company. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 10.
Damages String Field to represent description of claimant's injury and/or damage. This is an optional field.
Address Complex Object Field to represent address.
Contact Complex Object Field to represent contact.
Driver Complex Object Field to represent driver. This is required field.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Address
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent address. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent city. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 30.
Province String Field to represent province. This is a required field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent postalCode. This is a required field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent country. This is required field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Contact
Parameter Parameter Description
FirstName String Field to represent first name. This is an optional field.
LastName String Field to represent last name. This is an optional field.
MiddleName String Field to represent middle name. This is an optional field.
Suffix String Field to represent suffix. This is an optional field.
Email Array of object Array of object representing email. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Driver
Parameter Data Type Description
Individual Complex Object Field to represent driver. This is an optional field..
Vehicle Complex Object Field to represent driver's vehicle. This is a required field.
LicenseProvince String Field to represent state that issue the driver's license. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3. For e.g. GA
LicenseNumber String Field to represent driver's license number. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 20.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Driver:Individual
Parameter Data Type Description
FirstName String Field to represent claimant driver first name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of FirstName and MiddleName should not be more than 50.
MiddleName String Field to represent claimant driver middle name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of FirstName and MiddleName should not be more than 50.
LastName String Field to represent claimant driver last name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of LastName and Suffix should not be more than 50.
Suffix String Field to represent claimant driver name suffix for example Jr., Sr., III, etc. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of LastName and Suffix should not be more than 50.
DateOfBirth String Field to represent claimant driver date of birth. This is an optional field.
Address Complex Object Field to represent address.
Email Array of object Array of object representing driver's email. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing driver's phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Driver:Individual:Address
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent claimant driver address1. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent claimant driver address2. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent claimant driver city. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Province String Field to represent claimant driver province. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent claimant driver postal-code. This is an optional field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent claimant driver country. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Driver:Individual:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100.
Extension String Field to represent phone extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Driver:Individual:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent insured driver email. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Driver:Vehicle
Parameter Data Type Description
VIN String Field to represent vehicle identification number. This is an optional field and should not be more than 17.
VehicleDescription String Field to represent additional details about the vehicle. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
VehicleDamage String Field to represent damage to the vehicle. This is an optional field and should not be more than 255.
Drivable Boolean Field to represent whether the vehicle is drivable or not.
LicencePlate String Field to represent vehicle license plate #. This is an optional field and should not be more than 20.
VehicleType Integer Field to represent type of vehicle. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from vehicle-types..
VehicleMake String Field to represent vehicle make. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
VehicleYear String Field to represent vehicle year. This is a required field and should not be more than 4.
VehicleModel String Field to represent vehicle model. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
LicensePlateState String Field to represent vehicle licence plate state. This is an optional field and should not be more than 3.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Contact:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent email address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Claimant:Company:Contact:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-types. This is a required field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Extension String Field to represent Extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
RefClaim 1.5.2 : Claimant:Individual (Array of object with below properties)
Parameter Parameter Description
FirstName String Field to represent first name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of 'FirstName' and 'MiddleName' should not be more than 50.
LastName String Field to represent last name. This is required field and should not be more than 150.
MiddleName String Field to represent middle name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of 'FirstName' and 'MiddleName' should not be more than 50.
Suffix String Field to represent suffix. This is an optional field.
Gender Integer Field to represent gender. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from gender-types.
DateOfBirth String Field to represent date of birth. This is an optional field.
Damages String Field to represent damages. This is an optional field.
Address Array of object Array of object representing individual address. This is a required field.
Email Array of object Array of object representing individual email. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing individual Phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Driver Complex Object Field to represent driver. This is required field.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Address
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent address. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent city. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Province String Field to represent province. This is a required field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent postal-code. This is a required field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent country. This is required field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent email address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is a required field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Extension String Field to represent phone extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Driver
Parameter Data Type Description
Individual Complex Object Field to represent driver. This is an optional field..
Vehicle Complex Object Field to represent driver's vehicle. This is a required field.
LicenseProvince String Field to represent state that issue the driver's license. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3. For e.g. GA
LicenseNumber String Field to represent driver's license number. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 20.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Driver:Individual
Parameter Data Type Description
FirstName String Field to represent claimant driver first name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of FirstName and MiddleName should not be more than 50.
MiddleName String Field to represent claimant driver middle name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of FirstName and MiddleName should not be more than 50.
LastName String Field to represent claimant driver last name. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of LastName and Suffix should not be more than 50.
Suffix String Field to represent claimant driver name suffix for example Jr., Sr., III, etc. This is an optional field and combination/concatenation of LastName and Suffix should not be more than 50.
DateOfBirth String Field to represent claimant driver date of birth. This is an optional field.
Address Complex Object Field to represent address.
Email Array of object Array of object representing driver's email. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
Phone Array of object Array of object representing driver's phone. This is an optional field but if array contains any element, then object will be validated against properties it has.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Driver:Individual:Address
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent claimant driver address1. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent claimant driver address2. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent claimant driver city. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Province String Field to represent claimant driver province. This is an optional field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent claimant driver postal-code. This is an optional field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent claimant driver country. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from countries.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Driver:Individual:Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from phone-types.
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100.
Extension String Field to represent phone extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Driver:Individual:Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent insured driver email. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 100 and should be of email format for e.g.
RefClaim : Claimant:Individual:Driver:Vehicle
Parameter Data Type Description
VIN String Field to represent vehicle identification number. This is an optional field and should not be more than 17.
VehicleDescription String Field to represent additional details about the vehicle. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
VehicleDamage String Field to represent damage to the vehicle. This is an optional field and should not be more than 255.
Drivable Boolean Field to represent whether the vehicle is drivable or not.
LicencePlate String Field to represent vehicle license plate #. This is an optional field and should not be more than 20.
VehicleType Integer Field to represent type of vehicle. This is an optional field and should be one of the values from vehicle-types..
VehicleMake String Field to represent vehicle make. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
VehicleYear String Field to represent vehicle year. This is a required field and should not be more than 4.
VehicleModel String Field to represent vehicle model. This is an optional field and should not be more than 50.
LicensePlateState String Field to represent vehicle licence plate state. This is an optional field and should not be more than 3.
Parameter Data Type Description
Location Complex Object Complex object contains properties to represent location/address of work location. This is a required field.
Email Array of Complex Object Array of object containing properties to represent email of work location. This is a required field.
Phone Array of Complex Object Array of object containing properties to represent phone of work location. This is a required field.
WorkLocation 1.1 : Location
Parameter Parameter Description
Address1 String Field to represent address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Address2 String Field to represent address. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
City String Field to represent city. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Province String Field to represent province. This is a required field with maximum alphabetic characters allowed up to 3.For e.g. GA
PostalCode String Field to represent postal-code. This is a required field and should be of format AAAAA-BBBB or AAAAA where A/B represent numeric digits.
Country Integer Field to represent country. This is required field and should be one of the values from Country enumeration
WorkLocation 1.2 : Email
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAddress String Field to represent email address. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50 and should be of email format for e.g.
WorkLocation 1.3 : Phone
Parameter Data Type Description
PhoneType Integer Field to represent phone-type. This is a required field and should be one of the values from phone-types
Number String Field to represent phone number. This is a required field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Extension String Field to represent phone extension. This is an optional field with maximum alphanumeric characters allowed up to 50.
Attachment (Array of object with below properties)
Parameter Data Type Description
DocumentType Integer Field to represent document type. This is a required field and should be one of the values from document-types.
DocumentURL String Field to represent document in URL format. This is a required field and should be publicly accessible.
AssignmentInstructions (Array of object with below properties)
Parameter Data Type Description
Text String Field to represent assignment instructions. This is a required field.
CustomField (Array of object with below properties)
Parameter Data Type Description
Key String Field to represent custom key. This is a required field for processing custom data.'Key' and 'Value' both are required to be processed.
Value String Field to represent custom value. This is a required field for processing custom data.'Key' and 'Value' both are required to be processed.
Field Description
ConfirmationID Identifier for tracking this assignment

Note: Any date time communicated to/from with Crawford would be in UTC. Any date time send to the api or received by the api would be in UTC format.